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Item A computer mediated simulation module for teaching cell division in secondary school biology(International Journal of Educational Research and Development, 2013-05-04) Wekesa, Duncan Wekesa; Wekesa E. W.; Amadalo M. M.This paper describes the design and development of a valid, reliable and flexible instrument, a Computer-Mediated Simulation (CMS) module for teaching cell division topic in secondary school biology. The design was based on the generic instructional approach of Plan, Do, See and Improve (PDSI). Each step has an outcome that feeds the subsequent step or results in modification of the prior step. The design and development of a CMS module is aimed at bringing out the dynamics of the process of cell division to facilitate students understanding of the topic better. The process of cell division specifically involved the aspects of meiosis and mitosis. The module was also developed to fill, in some way, the special need for media and technology in biology teaching at secondary school level in Kenya and perhaps elsewhere. Evaluation of the CMS results of the actual implementation in test schools provide improvement highlights of the strengths of the module geared towards shifting the point set presently to a more desirable outcomeItem A Program for Understanding Mathematical Probabiliy Concepts in Secondary Schools.(International Journal of Development Research, 2018-03-03) Wekesa, Duncan WasikeThe pace of technological development in educational setting is on the increase in Kenya. The literature is replete with studies indicating that Computer Based Instructional programs enhance students learning outcomes. With the introduction of e-learning in Kenyan schools now at the pilot stage, there is need to develop computer-based programs in the area of mathematics where little or no studies have been done.Item Ameriketako Ametsa(Mendebalde Kultura Alkartea,, 2001-11-15) Walibora, Ken; Ormazabal, ManuThis story published in 2001 won the 2003 Jomo Kenyatta Prize organized by the Kenya Publihers Association. Issa, a Kenyan village boy, tells us the story of his life. “Itxoin eta egingo duk amets Amerikarekin. Orduan prest egongo haiz harantz abiatzeko” (‘Wait and you’ll dream of America. Then you’ll be ready to go.’), his friend told him. And Issa will have that dream. In Nairobi the two of them, together with a third “friend, will make plans for America. There will be lessons to learn from their adventures.Item Application of National Education Management System to Student Enrollment and Secondary School Administration in Bungoma County's, Kenya(International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2022-12-03) Khaemba, Lorna; Kipkenei, Simon; Wekesa, Duncan WasikeNational Educational Management Information System (NEMIS) is the Kenyan integrated Education Management Information System. NEMIS is necessary to support overall education management. It is in form of a portal helps the Ministry of Education to gather accurate and real time information on learners, staff and learning institutions. The main objective of the study was to determine the influence of NEMIS students’ enrolment on secondary school management. The study was guided by the Technological Acceptance Model. Descriptive survey research design was employed with a target population 553 respondents comprising of managerial teaching staff from Extra County, county and sub county schools. Simple random sampling was used to select 164 respondents from the 30 public secondary schools in Bungoma West Sub County. Questionnaires, and interview schedule were used to collect data from the respondents. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research findings revealed that NEMIS was well managed in Extra County and County Schools and then in Sub County Schools hence it had a significant influence student enrolment in the system. The study recommends training of all senior management in the utilization of NEMIS and have all school adopt digital record keeping systems that are compatible with NEMIS for easy retrieval of data on enrollment.Item Big Data Analytics and Electronic Resource Usage in Academic Libraries: A Case Study of a Private University in Kenya(2019-05-01) Wakahia; Samuel kairigoThe purpose of the study was to apply Big Data analytics as a tool for evaluating electronic resources usage in the academic library setup in Kenya with reference to the library of one private university. Log files of postgraduate students were mined from the server where the offsite access platform (ezproxy) has been installed. Descriptive statistical techniques such as mean, standard deviation and percentages were computed. Data was transferred to the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was aided in the analysis. Results revealed that in terms of usage intensity, total URL count was 2,352, the highest user made 283 downloads and the mean URL count was 49 downloads. Further findings revealed that no user utilized more than 5 databases over a period of one year. The mean usage intensity score for respondents who were trained or orientated on e-resource usage was above average at 69.0 while those who had not received training were below average at 29.8. It was concluded that big data analytics is a necessary and powerful tool for investigating electronic resources seeking and usage trends and patterns within Kenyan university libraries. Through big data analysis and data mining, usage patterns and trends such as usage intensity that might not have accurately been revealed through other tools are unearthed. Big data analytics has revealed user preferences and intensity of utilization of various databases and helped in detection of redundant databases. From the usage patterns, it was clear that the level of utilization of the University library’s e-resource platform was very low. Most of the databases accessible through the platform were redundant. Further, only two databases namely e-book central and ebscohost were the most popular among users while the rest were barely being utilized if at all. For most students, just one or two databases were sufficient in meeting their research needs. An integrated data analytics model for investigating university library’s e-resources usage is proposedItem Classroom Interaction Patterns and Students’ Learning Outcomes in Secondary School Mathematics in Kenya(International Journal of Science and Research, 2018-12-03) Katiambo, Dorcas; Mutsotso, Stanley Ngome; Wekesa, Duncan WasikeDismal performance in mathematics continue to persist in all levels of basic and secondary learning institutions yet performance and attainment in this subject is deemed crucial for students’ admission to scientific and technological professions in higher institutions of learning in Kenya. This is despite the continued efforts made by the government to increase performance in this subject such as introduction of the Strengthening of mathematics and sciences in secondary education project. Knowledge on the effect of classroom interaction patterns on learning outcomes in mathematics is scanty and undocumented. The purpose of this study therefore was to establish the relationship between the Classroom Interaction Patterns (CIPs) used and the students’ learning outcomes in secondary school mathematics in Mt. Elgon Sub-County. To achieve this objective, a quasi-experimental design was employed. A sample of 450 learners from 10 secondary schools and 10 teachers of mathematics were used in the study. Data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics encompassed use of Pearson Product Moment Correlation and t-tests. Results showed that classroom interaction patterns significantly (P<0.05) influenced learning outcomes in mathematics in secondary schools in the study region. The study recommends teachers of secondary mathematics to promote interactive lessons for better learning outcomesItem Computer Based Instruction: A Springboard to Students Performance in Mathematics.(International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2017-01-03) Wekesa, Duncan WasikeMathematics is regarded by most people as an essential subject in the curriculum. Its usefulness range from social, aesthetic, utility and communication. Mathematics plays a pivotal role in providing means of studying other disciplines and is designed to enable the learners to acquire attitudes and knowledge that will be relevant to their life after school. Great emphasis is thus placed on the application to real life situations and practical approaches to the teaching and learning of the subject. However, the formidable problem currently facing mathematics education in Kenya is the need to improve the student’s performance in mathematics. The literature is replete with studies indicating that Computer Based Instructional programs enhance students learning outcomes. With the introduction of e-learning in Kenyan schools, there is need to develop and explore the effects of computer-based programs in the area of mathematics for instructional purposes. This paper examines a Computer Based Instructional program that can be used to enhance students learning of mathematical probability concepts in secondary schools in Kenya.Item Debt Collection Strategies and Financial Sustainability of Mobile Lending Firms(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING, FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 2022-05-08) Fred Gichana Atandi; Gideon KiruiThe importance of this study was to improve the financial performance of mobile lending firms which are ever increasing while many of them are struggling with high loan default rates which will eventually negatively affect the sustainability of all mobile lending firms. The study methodology applied was cross sectional, descriptive and correlational survey designs using both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The target population of the study was 900 respondents but the selected sample size used in the study was 269 respondents. Data collected was both primary and secondary which was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The major findings of the study indicated that there is a need to improve on credit recovery efforts to ultimately enhance the firm's income and minimize losses, credit collection strategies should encourage borrowers to repay their debt rather than antagonizing them and ineffective financial management policies can eventually cause inefficiency in financial services. The study proposes further research to be conducted on the effect of government regulations on performance on sustainability of mobile lending firms.Item Disenchantment with the State of the Nation in Ben Okri’s The Famished Road, Orhan Pamuk’s Snow and Rashid al Daif’s Passage to Dusk(Journal of the African Literature Association, 2008-11-15) Waliaula, Ken WaliboraItem Doing thing with words in prison poetry(Mkuki na nyota, 2016-11-15) Waliaula, Ken WaliboraItem Effect of a Socialized Mathematical Language Module on Students’ Understanding of Mathematics and their perception of the Learning Environment(OSSREA, 2007-01-04) Wekesa, Duncan Wasike; Mondoh, Helen OmondiThere is evidence that students have problems in understanding and interrelating symbols and special language structure as used in mathematics. The study or which the paper is based was designed to develop and explore the instructional potential of a Socialised Mathematical Language (SML) module in teaching and learning of statistics in mathematics. A quasi-experimental approach adapted from the Solomon Four Group Experimental Design was employed to compare experimental and control groups drawn from schools in Bungoma district. Four different instruments namely achievement test, students' questionnaire, teachers' questionnaire and observation schedule were used to collect data from 156 Form Two students selected for the study. Both descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, & percentages) and inferential statistics (t-test & the Analysis of variance) were used for data analysis. The findings indicate that the SML module resulted in significant learning gains better perception of the environment and provided appropriate opportunities for student participation and interaction. The study concluded that the SML module was helpful in enhancing the teaching and learning of mathematics. The module was found to facilitate in making the subject more understandable to students and hence improved student performance in the subject.Item Effect of Socioeconomic and Technology Response on Education in Kenya During the Covid-19 Pandemic(Research Journal of Educational Studies and Review, 2021-12-03) Wekesa, Duncan Wasike; Marakia, Wambeye KimweliThe social and economic effects of COVID-19 will be severe. Schools have a particularly important role to play. Coronavirus-related disruption can give educators time to rethink the sector. Technology has stepped into the breach and will continue to play a key role in educating future generations. With students being able to gain access to knowledge and even learn a technical skill, through a few clicks on their phones, tablets and computers. This may mean that the role of educators will need to move towards facilitating young people’s development as contributing members of society. The move toward universal internet would help prepare educators to provide education under future health emergencies-not to mention the many broader benefits, such as equalizing economic opportunity in the information age. Digital technologies are playing a critical role in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Media, and especially social media, can also be used to educate students about the virus itself and to teach basic hygiene and debunk myths and misinformation. Considering the impacts of the national lockdown on behavioural change, the significant socio-economic inequity and a lack of cash, food and access to chronic medication among the poor posed great threats in education. This research will enable government policy groups to develop a more targeted and effective approach in addressing the effects of the pandemic on education.Item Effective Microorganism Effect on the Growth and Yield of Spider Plant (Cleome gynandra L.)(IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 2021-12-21) Kerubo, F. N.; Okello, S. V; Oluko, P. S.Cleome gynandra was tested under different Effective Microorganisms (EM) levels in a CRD greenhouse pot experiment. The study used two varieties (MSL-17 and MSL-F3), combined with five EM concentrations (EM 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 g/L) on ferralsol soil in Kibabii. Normal agronomic management practices were carried out. Data was collected weekly on plant height, leaf area, leaf fresh and dry weight, days to 50% flowering, leaf number, soil microbial count, water and chlorophyll content. Spider plant varieties varied significantly (P≤0.05) in number of days to seedling emergence, local spider plant variety recorded lower seed germination than the exotic variety (MSL-F17). Plant height decreased by 7.0% with reduction in EM concentration level. Number of days to flowering was significantly affected (P≤0.05) by EM concentration level. Single leaf area significantly decreased (P≤0.05) with decline in EM concentration level for both varieties. Control (EM 0g/L) led to a significant reduction in spider plant single leaf area by 10.97%. Reduction of EM concentration level reduced chlorophyll content by 8.2 % across the varieties. Increased chlorophyll content due to increasing EM concentration level may be attributed to nutrient richness due to use of EM. High EM concentration level at EM 200g/L led to a significant (P≤0.05) reduction in spider plant single leaf area that could be attributed to significant (P≤0.05) increase in chlorophyll manufacture as well as plant cell turgor pressure. Leaf relative water content significantly decreased (P≤0.05) with reducing EM concentration. Increase in EM concentration significantly increased (P≤0.05) leaf yield by 25.7% and 14.0%, in exotic and local varieties respectively. Increased EM concentration at 200g/L significantly increased (P≤0.05) plant height, number of leaves per plant, single leaf area, chlorophyll content, leaf relative water content, and leaf yield. There exist significant genotypic differences in adaptation to EM concentration levels among the evaluated genotypes. Spider plant varieties varied significantly (P≤0.05) in agronomic traits, with variety MSL-17 at EM 200g/L, recording superior agronomic traits for growth, hence may be used for production and in the development of improved spider plants. MSL-F17 could be recommended for adoption by small scale farmers for direct production.Item Effectiveness of a Language Based Program in School Mathematics on Students Understanding of Statistics(Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2006-12-04) Wekesa, Duncan WasikeMathematical knowledge and understanding is important not only for scientific progress and development but also for its day-to-day application in social sciences and arts, government, business and management studies and household chores. But the general performance in school mathematics in Kenya has been poor over the years. There is evidence that students have problems in understanding and interrelating the symbols and special language structure as used in mathematics. Nevertheless in a recent study, a program called Socialized Mathematical Language (SML) module was designed to enhance student’s learning outcomes in school mathematics. The study was carried out in a real classroom setting that involved comparisons between the treatment and control groups. A Solomon Four Group quasi-experimental design was employed to involve four high schools in Bungoma District. A total of 156 form two students enrolled in four intact classes from the selected schools were exposed to the same content in statistics for a period of two weeks. Three dependent measures namely the Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT), the Mathematics Skill Test (MST) and the Mathematics Classroom Environment Questionnaire (MCEQ) were used to assess the effectiveness of the program on students’ academic achievement in understanding of statistics, their skill performance and perceptions of the classroom environment during statistics lessons. The results affirm statistically significant learning gains in favour of the treatment groups. The study concludes that the use of SML program has amajor implication for school mathematics instruction in the area of statistics.Item Effectiveness of Computer Based Instruction: An Analysis by Gender.(International Journal of Development Research, 2017-01-30) Wekesa, Duncan WasikeThis study was designed to explore the instructional potential of a Computer-Based Instruction (CBI) program in the teaching of probability concepts to form three mathematics curriculum in selected secondary schools in Kenya. Specifically, the study reported herein sought to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference by gender on students exposed to the computer based instruction in terms of the students’ achievement, their perception of the learning environment, and their attitudes and motivation during the instructional process in the area of probability. This involved comparisons between the male and female students on all the dependent measures namely the Mathematics Achievements Test (MAT), the Students’ Perception Questionnaire (SPQ), the Students’ Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ) and the Students’ Motivation Questionnaire (SMQ). The results infer that the CBI program resulted in significant learning gains, proper perception of the learning environment and lesson elements, better attitudes and motivation towards the topic on probability. This is statistically non significant based on the gender of the subjects. Moreover, the CBI program alleviated the problem of teaching probability that is considered difficult to teach and learn, and hence provides better opportunities for equal students’ participation and interaction. In this regard, it is concluded that computer based interventions improve teachers skills in teaching and students understanding of concepts that have high cognitive demand irrespective of students gender. It is thus recommended that the CBI program be integrated in the teacher training curricula and instructional process in the classroomItem Effectiveness of Scientific Calculators on Secondary School Students’ Attitude Development in Mathematics(Journal of Education Research and Behavioral Sciences, 2016-12-12) Odhiambo, Mabel Nandwa; Wekesa, Duncan WasikeThere is poor performance in mathematics among secondary school students in Kenya. In an effort to improve performance in the subject, there has been introduction of various devices aimed at helping learners to get solutions to mathematical problems starting from counting sticks, abacus, slide rule, mathematical tables and recently scientific calculators. Unfortunately, there is no tangible evidence to show that scientific calculators will solve the problem in mathematics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using scientific calculators in Mathematics instruction and establish if they had any effect on students’ attitude. An experimental research design was adopted entailing the pre – test post-test equivalent groups design. The population was drawn from the form three students selected from public secondary schools in Mumias Sub County. The findings in the study showed that the use of scientific calculators was superior to mathematical tables.Item Effectiveness of Teaching Preparations on Mathematics Achievements: A case of Kenya(Problems of education in the 21st century, 2011-12-30) Amadalo, Maurice Musasia; Wekesa, Duncan Wasike; Wambua, Joseph MuleiDespite playing a central role in peoples’ daily life, the average Kenyan secondary school students’ mathematics score in national examinations has consistently averaged below 40%. The contribution of teachers’ lesson preparations and subsequent delivery leading to this poor result has not been investigated sufficiently in Kenyan secondary schools. This is especially so for topics deemed to be difficult. The present study investigated the effect of teacher preparations when teaching the topic “Vectors” to form three secondary school students. The instructional plans impact on achievement as well as on skills performance in Mathematics formed the objectives of the study. The Solomon- four experimental design was adopted. Professionally drawn Instructional Plans provided the treatment. Students’ achievement was determined using a Mathematics Achievement Test, MAT. The study determined that the use of the instructional plans improved students’ achievement and skill performance compared to the control group. Consequently use of instructional plans when teaching mathematics was recommended for improved students’ achievement. Emphasis on students’ stepwise skill performance rather than insistence on acquisition of correct answers during problem solution in mathematics was recommendedItem English Translations of the Kiswahili Special Issue of Eastern African Literary & Cultural Studies(Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies, 2019-01-01) Waliaula, Ken WaliboraItem Glycerol/lemon juice/based green superabsorbent hydrogel cross-linked with maleic acid(2022) Titus M. Kasimu; Harun M. Mbuvi; Francis M. MaingiSuperabsorbent hydrogels continue to be very important materials due to their applications in several technologies. Unfortunately, most superabsorbent hydrogels currently on the market are acrylate-based products that are non-biodegradable, and, most importantly, some concerns exist about their toxicity for use in agriculture. This study aimed at synthesizing and characterizing biocompatible superabsorbent hydrogel derived from lemon juice. The process involved polymerizing lemon juice (LJ) with glycerol (G) monomers to form polymeric material (HLG-1). HLG-1 was then converted to HLG-2 by crosslinking with maleic acid. Characterization of the hydrogels was done using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The synthesis conditions producing optimal swelling capacity were studied by varying contact time and dosage of both lemon juice and the cross-linker. The FT-IR results showed a peak at 1528 cm-1 and 1591.34 cm-1 associated with –COO- stretching indicating successful polymerization and crosslinking processes. XRD analysis showed conversion from amorphous to crystalline phases upon crosslinking. SEM micrographs showed clear pores with large surface area in HLG-2 compared with the rigid and constricted surface of HLG-1 hydrogel. A maximum swelling capacity of 910% was obtained upon synthesizing hydrogel HLG-2 with lemon juice, glycerol, and maleic acid of a volume ratio of 5.4: 3.75: 3.75 respectively. Crosslinking the hydrogel with maleic acid was found to improve the water absorption capacity of the hydrogel. The superabsorbent hydrogel with such high swelling and water absorption ability has the potential of being applied in arid and semi-arid regions to boost agricultural production.Item Government Education Budget and the Sustainability of Student Enrollment in Public Secondary School in Bungoma County, Kenya(International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023-04-19) Wasilwa, Juma Bakari; Maiyo, Julius; Wekesa, Duncan WasikeIn Kenya, since 2008, the government has increased monies going to the education sector in collaboration with other foreign organizations in an effort to reduce the amount of money that households spend on their children who attend public secondary schools. In public secondary schools in Bungoma County, Kenya, this study aimed to determine how much the average government education spending affects the sustainability of student enrollment in secondary schools. A descriptive survey design was used for the investigation. The principals and household heads from Bungoma County's public secondary schools made up the target population. The 691 school principals and household heads in this study were chosen using a stratified random sampling procedure to ensure that the sample was representative. As instruments for gathering data, questionnaires, schedules for interviews and observations, and document analysis were all used. Expert judgment was used to determine validity. Through piloting, reliability was established. Statistics, both descriptive and inferential, were used to analyze the data. According to this survey, a secondary school student's Kshs 10,265 allowance is insufficient to keep them in school. According to the study's findings about government spending on each student, more students are enrolling in secondary school as government spending rises. As a result, this study suggests that, in order to raise the enrollment rate of pupils, the government or other educational stakeholders can assist parents who have children in first grade in purchasing a school uniform.
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