Provision of Information Services and Resources for Enhancing Performance of Class 8 Pupils in Kimilili Community library, Bungoma County, Kenya

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International Journal of Current Aspects


Information centers play a very crucial role in ensuring that the community has access to the right information to suit its various information needs evidenced by several research carried out on information centers. The rolling out of Free Primary Education (FPE) in Kenya, in January 2003 led to overwhelming increase in primary school enrollment. This exerted pressure on educational facilities and created new challenges including inadequate information material for educational purposes. Community information centers whose role is to provide information services and resources to their respective communities have therefore an important role to play including provision of information services to supplement what the schools in these areas have including giving specific services and resources aimed at enhancing the performance of those pupils doing exams. Thus, this study purposed to assess provision of services and resources at Kimilili Community Library in Bungoma, Kenya for enhancing the performance of class 8 pupils. The study assessed the services and policies, available resources and the challenges encountered. The study was anchored on S. R. Ranganathan's laws of library science and Piage. Descriptive research design was used, and questionnaires and interview schedules were employed in data collection from 84 pupils, 2 librarians and 2 Ministry of Education officers. The study used statistical package for social science (SPSS), version 1.0 2023 for data analysis. The findings are presented in tables. The study established that Kimilili Community Library has various information resources including textbooks, novels, and atlases some in print and others in digital formats. If well utilized these resources would enhance the performance of class 8 pupils. The library also provides various services to pupils, including organized library visits and information literacy


Research Publication


Community Libraries, Provision of Information services and resources, Enhancing pupils performance


Ilavonga, J., & Kimani, G., (2023). Provision of Information Services and Resources for Enhancing performance of Class 8 Pupils in Kimilili Community library, Bungoma County, Kenya. International Journal of Current Aspects, 7(3), 134-140.
