Prison, poetry, and polyphony in Abdilatif Abdallah Santi ya Dhiki

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Indiana University Press


This article is a study of the prison poetry of Abdilatif Abdalla, one of the most talented twentieth-century Swahili poets. Abdalla penned his col lection of poems Sauti ya Dhiki while serving a prison term for sedition during the Jomo Kenyatta regime in postindependence Kenya. Prison as a site for writing had tremendous influence on the form and content of his poetical productions. In this regard I suggest that, for the most part, the terribly unpleasant prison conditions that the poet experienced, enabled, and enhanced the occurrence in his poetry of a psychic or philosophical journey, which may or may not have been therapeutic, and the articula tion of a whole range of 'Voices/' I undertake a close reading of Sauti ya Dhiki, exploring the symbolic journey and the polyphony that characterizes Abdalla's reaction to his incarceration by what Achille Mbembe would call the "postcolonial potentate




Vol. 40, No. 3 (Fall, 2009), pp. 129-148