Bukusu cultural ideas, values and practices on reproductive health

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This study sought to determine the attitude of the Bukusu Roman Catholic Christians towards the use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies through getting views from the Bukusu elders, clergy, and the health providers from the region and the Roman Catholic faithful from the Bukusu community. The purpose of the study was to document attitudes among the Bukusu Roman Catholics in Bungoma County towards the use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Empirical study from past scholars and researchers was highly depended on that it paved way for the research gap that was filled by this study. The study was guided by conflict theory that was proved to hold during the study. This theory says that, “the data that shall be used in the provision of the study as analytical framework from which the researcher will argue in favor or against the norms”. The study design used a cross-sectional, descriptive research design. Data was both quantitative and qualitative that was analyzed through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences to yield descriptive statistics that was represented in tables and figures. Analysis of the response from the elders and the hospitals revealed that the use of Assisted Reproductive Technology was highly embraced by the people. On the other hand, the church exhibited a dichotomy in its attitude towards ART.



Attitudes, Bukusu Roman Catholics, Reproductive, Technologies

