Educational influence of the 5-8 year olds children aggression

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The study was to investigate educational influence of 5-8 year olds children’s aggression. Aggressive behaviours include the behaviours that are directed in harming others and tend to be a nuisance to many people. The study was guided the Social Cognitive Learning Theory by Albert Bandura-learning by observation and modelling and Social Constructivism Learning by Lev Vygotsky-learning through interaction. The objectives of the study were to: determine the factors that contribute to aggression among children in Mwingi Central Sub County and determine the effect of children’s aggression on their educational progress. It was a descriptive survey in Mwingi Central Sub County in Kitui County. Through stratified sampling, the researcher picked 10 schools (5 private and 5 public) out of 104 total schools. In each school purposive sampling was used to pick aggressive children from nursery to class three. Thereafter with the help of the class teachers, two most aggressive children identified for observation. All the teachers in preschool and lower primary (4 teachers per school = 40 in total) were issued with questionnaires while 40 parents of the aggressive children were randomly selected for interviews. The District Centre for Early Childhood Education (DICECE) officer and the district special education officer were purposively picked and issued with questionnaires. Checklists were used to collect information on children’s behaviour. In order to understand children’s academic performance, children’s progress records were scrutinized. The instruments validity was ensured through review by the early childhood experts and the reliability was ensured through test retest method with a consistency of 0.80 established. Permission from NACOSTI was sought before data collection. Data collection took 32 days; 3 days per school where observations were conducted first followed by interviews then analysis of the children’s academic progress records and finally administration of the questionnaires. Thematic content analysis with excerpts was used to analyse qualitative data. Descriptive statistics was used to summarise data while quantitative data was analysed through and linear regression. The study established that there is no significant relationship between aggressive behaviours and academic performance. However children with aggressive behaviours have low class participation and task completion. They show poor school attendance but rarely drop out of school. Children with aggressive behaviours face challenges in their academic progress. There is need for increased funding and research to help these children. Child guidance and counselling programme in schools is highly recommended.



Aggressive Behaviour, Aggressive Child, School Drop Out, Academic Performance

