Towards equitable access to continuing professional development programs by secondary school managers in Kenya.
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Guided by the Learning Organizations’ theory of Peter Senge (1990) this paper sought to
determine the extent to which the senior managers and the Heads of department of
secondary schools participated in Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The
study’s sample comprised of 443 respondents determined using the Cochran’s sample
size formula, stratified random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Data was
collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. It was analyzed using
percentages and chi square tests. The study found out that there was significant
relationship between participation to CPD and designation; there was no relation between
participation to CPD and gender of the school manager; finally no significant relationship
existed between participation to CPD and type of school managed. It was concluded that
participation to external CPD programs was skewed and was a reserve for the senior
managers of secondary school, while participation to school based mentorship programs
was a reserve for the heads of department. However, there was equity in participation to
CPD by gender and by type of school managed
Continuing professional development, Participation, Gender, Type of school and designation