Assessment of lecturers perceptions on students-lecturers evaluations in universities in Kenya: a case study of Kibabii university

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The common approach method of evaluating instruction in higher education classes is to have students provide feedback on "effectiveness" of learning in a given period. Evaluations generally request specific feedback on measures of teaching effectiveness and on particular aspects of a course, as well as global rating questions. Countless myths and misperceptions regarding course evaluations exist and inevitably influence faculty, university administrators and student perceptions. In spite of solid research to counter these assumptions, such beliefs persist and continue to spread. The study was envisaged to focus on assessing lecturers perceptions on students’ lecturer evaluations in universities. Its specific objectives were; to examine lecturers’ perception on students’ competence in evaluating their teaching effectiveness, to determine the influence of gender, experience, professionalism, departmental discussions and designation on lecturer’s perception of student’s competency in evaluating lecturers teaching effectiveness and to examine lecturer’s perceptions on the formative and summative purpose of students in the evaluations. The study was conducted in Kibabii University and targeted all the teaching staff of the University. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The data was collected using a questionnaire that was validated and reliability of 0.917 was attained. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicate that there was no significant difference between male and female lecturers about their perception on students’ evaluation. The study revealed that feedback on students’ evaluation helps lecturers to improve their teaching and interaction. The respondents disagreed that reports from the students’ evaluation be used for promotion and increment of their salary. The study concludes that inadequate instructional materials is among the key factors that affect the quality of teaching and learning. The study recommended that the University should provide adequate instructional materials and enhance conducive environment for learning.



Assessment, Quality, Evaluation
