Wabwoba, FranklinWanyembi, Gregory W.Omuterema, StanleyMutua, Stephen Makau2019-03-212019-03-2120132319 - 4847http://erepository.kibu.ac.ke/handle/123456789/323There has been growing concerns about the rising costs of doing business and environmental degradation world over. Green ICT has been proposed to provide solutions to the two issues yet it is not being implemented fully in developing nations like Kenya despite the availability of the technologies of doing it. The study investigated pervasiveness of green ICT awareness amongst the ICT personnel, how they perceive it to be relevant to their organisations and the drivers towards implementation of the same. The study surveyed ICT personnel in four cases using a questionnaire on a seven scale likert scale. The study established that awareness level of green ICT in Kenya is low when compared with developed nations. It also established the green ICT drivers and how ICT personnel perceived it to be relevant to their organisations. The study recommends the raising of green ICT awareness levels through aligning the ICT personnel’s capacities.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Stateshttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/Green ICTgreen ICT awarenessgreen ICT driversrelevance of green ICTKenyaPervasiveness of green ICT awareness amongst Kenyan ICT personnelArticle