Chepchieng, HillaryNassiuma, Bernard2019-03-272019-03-272018-06-12978-9966-59-011-5 Entrepreneurs are widely recognized as prime movers of economic development. They translate ideas into action and use networks to gather resources, exploit opportunities through venture creation. This study focused on the influence of social network intensity on entrepreneurial outcomes. Methodology: A survey research design was adopted and women entrepreneurs operating mitumba small enterprises (SEs) in the informal sector in Mombasa city were targeted. The target population for the study was 228 SEs and the sample size for this study was 114 respondents. A simple random and stratified sampling technique was used to select the respondents. The main data collection tool was a questionnaire. Reliability analysis was done using Cronbach Alpha. Data was analyzed using SPSS V 20; Chi square and simple linear regression was used to test the Hypothesis. Results: The results indicate that there was a weak positive relationship between Mitumba entrepreneurial outcomes and social network Intensity (0.142), sig (.003). Social Network Intensity gave the significance of 0.000 since P < 0.05, the null hypothesis on Social Network Intensity is rejected; indicating Social network Intensity supports Mitumba Enterprise Outcome. Conclusion and Recommendation: This paper concludes that social network intensity supports mitumba enterprise outcomes. This study recommends that future research should consider the capabilities of mitumba enterprise outcomes in a more detailed approach such as expanding the study areas and examining a large number of companies and counties. Key Words: Social network intensity, Entrepreneurial Outcomes, Women owned mitumba enterprises enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States network intensityEntrepreneurial OutcomesWomen owned mitumba enterprisesEntrepreneurial networking and outcomes of women owned mitumba enterprises in Mombasa city, KenyaWorking Paper