Marakia, Wambeye KimweliWekesa, Duncan Wasike2024-12-032024-12-032021-12-30Marakia, W. K. & Wekesa, D. W. (2021). Level of Water Governance in Schools and its Effect on Student Participation in Education. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science. 5(7), 541-549.2454-6186 ArticleAdequate access to water, hygiene and sanitation is every human’s and child’s right. These do not reflect national policies aspirations and are not adequate to student’s needs, affecting their health, well-being, performance and participation at school in Kenya. A cross-sectional survey design was adopted to sample from boarding schools that were sampled to take part in a study conducted in Bungoma County in the Western region of Kenya.Stratified sampling was employed in choosing the Schools while questionnaires, interview schedules, document analysis and focus groups were used to gather data. The model was not able to significantly predict the level of water governance in schools and its effect on student participation in education and hence concluded that every boarding secondary school should develop a drinking water access plan. This study provides an empirical pattern of participation in education influenced by WASH in schools.enwater governanceHygienesanitationParticipationLevel of Water Governance in Schools and its Effect on Student Participation in EducationArticle