Muchiri, NjokiWabwoba, Franklin2021-11-022021-11-022015-12-13 questions we seek to answer in this paper are; Have ICT contributed to enhance social inclusion? Has use of ICT brought new forms of exclusion? And what is the way forward in using ICT for an inclusive society? Desk Top research was used. From the findings, one form of exclusion often leads to another, resulting to a cycle. a spanner and Nut Model was developed to show how Knowing which exclusion to reduce in order to break the cycle is critical in determining the type of ICT and how to apply it in order create an inclusive society.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States Inclusion, Social Inclusion, ICT, Exclusion CycleThe Role of ICT in Social Inclusion: A Review of LiteratureArticle